Lehrstuhl für BWL und Marketing

Paper-a-thon at ICIS 2023


Kevin Schwehm and Steven Schwehm succeeded in the Paper-a-thon at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 in Hyderabad, India

ICIS 2023
Steven Schwehm (links) und Kevin Schwehm (rechts) (Bild: Privat)

What a sprint! A big shout out to our team members Kevin Schwehm and Steven Schwehm! They succeeded in the Paper-a-thon at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 in Hyderabad, India, with their project "Play it Forward - Transforming Consumption into Generosity". Based on real-world livestream data from Twitch, they aim to explore why some livestreams (and the respective online communities within them) turn out to be more generous than others in terms of gifted subscriptions to other users. With the great support of their mentors Shaila Miranda and Ben Choi and together with their team members Avant Kumar, Dr. Sudip Das and Puspa Sandhyaduhita they were one of three projects in total selected to be published in the ICIS proceedings! Congratulations! We are very proud of you! 

Moreover, they presented a paper together with Jana-Kristin Prigge entitled "Driving Engagement with Virtual Influencer Content - Integrating Computer Vision, Text Analysis and Manual Coding". Hereby, the team is investigating the role of emotions displayed in virtual influencer content on both the media as well as the text level across more than 25.000 Instagram posts published by over 170 virtual influencers. Currently, the last stages of these analyses are being completed.
We are looking forward to the projects’ follow-ups!