Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods

Award for Research Initiative EThICS-EU on the Availability of Essential Medicines

Wollen Lösungen für den Medikamentenmangel erarbeiten ( Uwe Weidenauer, Steffen Schweizer, Ulrike Holzgrabe, Richard Pibernik und Andrea Szczesny. (Bild: Lutz Ziegler / Uni Würzburg)

The German population is facing shortages of essential medicines, e.g. antibiotics and drugs for treating cancer. The Government has taken some measures to increase the availability of such medicines, but so far they have not improved the situation and it is questionable whether the right strategies have been implemented. In a large interdisciplinary initiative, researchers at the University of Würzburg study supply chains for essential medicines and develop measures to increase their availability. This initiative is coordinated by Richard Pibernik and recently received the Research Award of the Vogel Foundation Dr. Eckernkamp. The press release of the Vogel Foundation (in German) can be found here .  
