Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods



This is a capstone course that combines aspects of Purchasing, Logistics, Production & Supply Chain Management. Ideally, participants have attended a number of lectures in these fields.


Please send all the application material via e-mail to

Application Material:
An overview of the courses that you have attended in the area of Supply Chain Management including a grade sheet (Notenübersicht).

Attendance is mandatory, since all the players are required for successful completion of the simulation.

Dates Current Semester

Application Deadline: October 23, 2024
Introduction Workshop: October 24, 4-6 pm via Zoom
Start of first round of competition: October 28, 2024
Voiting Round Workshop: October 31, 2024, 4-6 pm via Zoom
Q&A Session: November 7, 2024, 4-6 pm via Zoom
Intermediate Workshop: November 21, 2024, 4-6 pm via Zoom
End of last round of competition: December 9, 2024
Paper Deadline: February 4, 2025
Final Workshop: February 6, 2025, 4-6 pm via Zoom

For updates & changes see our WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by either searching for the course on WueCampus or WueStudy.

The access key to the WueCampus course room will be send to you via e-mail by us before the Introduction Workshop. No preperation for the Introduction Workshop is necessary.


5 CPs


The components of a value chain are traditionally seen and administered as separate entities: the operations manager tries to optimize processes in production and warehousing, the purchasing manager wants to minimize purchasing prices, the sales manager’s efforts are aimed at maximizing revenue, while, hopefully, a supply chain manager tries to coordinate this complex array of tasks and incentives.

However, current practices very often ignore how the decisions taken by these different managers may inadvertently affect the overall performance of a different “area” – value chains are complex systems, where changing the value of one variable affects the functioning of the whole system.

In this course, students play the supply chain simulation game "The Fresh Connection" together in groups. Every member of a group will be assigned to the role of either managing purchasing, operations, the supply chain or sales. As objective, they will be requested to improve the performance - measured by Return on Investment (ROI) - of “The Fresh Connection”, a producer of fresh fruit juice, through a series of decisions.

The game includes 6 rounds, each of which lasts a week, during which you will have to make numerous decisions for your company. After every round your current ROI is computed and can be compared to the ROI of the other groups.

You can obtain further information about the simulation game at:

We will be finished with playing the game after a bit more than half of the semester. After that, every group has to write a paper about their decision making process and insights about every round of playing "The Fresh Connection".

The main objective of this seminar is to familiarize participants with the application of quantitative methods in a business (simulation) environment. Participants can choose their approach freely, and in the end, they should be able to apply quantitative methods to practical settings, anticipate the consequences of decisions and understand how coordination can benefit a company’s performance.


Kai Günder 




This seminar will be held in German.

Dates Current Semester

For the dates (and updates & changes) see our WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by searching for the course on either WueCampus or WueStudy.


10 CPs


Please register online via FLIP. For more information about the regristration processe click here. After registration please enroll to the WueCampus-course.

Please note that students have to attend the "Scientific Writing Seminar-Master" prior to submitting their final report.

Syllabus and Course Material

The syllabus for this course and the topics/papers are available in the WueCampus course room, which you can find by simply searching for our course on either WueCampus or WueStudy.


Quantitative planning approaches are particularly valuable for designing logistics systems and supply chains. They support decision makers in taking important strategic, tactical, and operational decisions by providing well-founded and relevant information. Many of these decisions have significant impact on the competitiveness of companies because they considerably influence today’s as well as tomorrow’s costs and revenues. The adoption of quantitative planning methods has been strongly supported by the development of information and communication systems: Advanced tools are available at low costs, versatile methods to model and solve planning problems have been integrated in standard software, the user friendliness has improved, and last but not least: the access to necessary data has substantially progressed (i.e. through ERP systems).

The main objective of this seminar is to familiarize participants with diverse quantitative planning problems and potential solutions. Planning procedures are applied to solve real problems in companies. Participants in this seminar learn about actual planning problems in Logistics and Supply Chain Management; they analyze and understand how companies address these problems.


It is mandatory to participate in the chairs’ scientific writing seminar


Prof. Dr. Richard Pibernik


This is the seminar in the track “Operations Management” for students enrolled in the Master’s program "Information Systems". It should be noted that for most topic basic programming skills in either R or Python are recommended. But even for students without programming experience, our seminar is a good opportunity to gain initial programming experience and at the same time work on exciting applied topics of data-driven supply chain management. As such, students from other Master’s programs are also welcome to join this seminar as well.

Dates Current Semester

There are only two sessions that you have to attend each semester: Firstly, we hold our kickoff at the beginning of the lecture period, in which we present the possible topics from which you can choose in the following weeks. Secondly, there is a final workshop at the end of the semester (not lecture period) in which you present the results of your seminar paper.

For the specific dates (and updates & changes) see our WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by searching for the course on either WueCampus or WueStudy. The access key to the WueCampus course room will be send to you via e-mail by us before the kickoff of our seminar.

You can get individual feedback or problem-solving discussions on demand by contacting your respective supervisor.


Please register online via FLIP . For more information about the regristration processe click here.

Please note that students have to attend the "Scientific Writing Seminar-Master" prior to submitting their final report.


10 CPs


The aim of this seminar is to familiarize participants with various approaches of data-driven operations management. For this purpose, participants explore the intersection of Machine Learning and Optimization by applying hands-on data and model engineering on real world cases from our Chair’s current research projects. The main goal of this seminar is to design, implement, empirically test, and present own solutions for practically relevant problem settings.


Kai Günder



This seminar is required for all students who would like to write their thesis or seminar paper at our chair. 


Please register with your first and last name, your matriculation number and the seminar name "Seminar: Scientific Writing" via e-mail to our office (

Next Dates

25.10.2024, 10:00 - 12:00, via Zoom (click here)


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Dr. Richard Pibernik, Professor (
Dr. Nikolai Stein (