Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods

Publications and Working Paper

Publications and Working Paper of the Chair

Article[ to top ]
  • Prescriptive Analytics for a Multi-Shift Staffing Problem. Notz, Pascal M.; Wolf, Peter K.; Pibernik, Richard. In European Journal of Operational Research. 2022.
  • Prescriptive Analytics for Flexible Capacity Management. Notz, Pascal M.; Pibernik, Richard. In Management Science, 68(3), S. 1756–1775. 2022.
  • ddop: A python package for data-driven operations management. Philippi, Andreas; Buttler, Simone; Stein, Nikolai. In Journal of Open Source Software, 6(66), S. 3429. 2021.
  • Single-Period Stochastic Demand Fulfillment in Customer Hierarchies. Fleischmann, Moritz; Kloos, Konstantin; Nouri-Roozbahani, Maryam; Pibernik, Richard. In accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research. 2020.
  • Prescriptive Analytics for a Queuing Model without Abandonment. Notz, Pascal M.; Wolf, Peter K. In Available at SSRN 3516708. 2020.
  • Allocation planning under service-level contracts. Kloos, Konstantin; Pibernik, Richard. In European Journal of Operational Research, 280(1), S. 203–218. Elsevier, 2020.
  • Allocation planning in sales hierarchies with stochastic demand and service-level targets. Kloos, Konstantin; Pibernik, Richard; Schulte, Benedikt. In OR Spectrum, 41(4), S. 981–1024. 2019.
  • Machine Learning for Inventory Management: Analyzing Two Concepts to Get From Data to Decisions. Meller, Jan; Taigel, Fabian. In Available at SSRN 3256643. 2019.
  • Purchasing managers’ willingness to pay for attributes that constitute sustainability. Goebel, Philipp; Reuter, Carsten; Pibernik, Richard; Sichtmann, Christina; Bals, Lydia. In Journal of Operations Management, 62, S. 44–58. 2018.
  • The Value of Entrant Manufacturers: A Study of Competition and Risk for Donor-Funded Procurement of Essential Medicines. Lauton, Felix; Rothkopf, Alexander; Pibernik, Richard. In European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1), S. 292–312. 2018.
  • Privacy-preserving condition-based forecasting using machine learning. Taigel, F; Tueno, A K; Pibernik, R. In Journal of Business Economics, 88(5), S. 563–592. 2018.
  • Big data on the shop-floor: sensor-based decision-support for manual processes. Stein, Nikolai; Meller, Jan; Flath, Christoph M. In Journal of Business Economics, 88(5), S. 593–616. 2018.
  • Profitability of Service-Level-Based Price Differentiation with Inventory Rationing. Schulte, B; Pibernik, R. In Production and Operations Management, 26(5), S. 903–923. 2017.
  • Hit-Or-Miss: What Leads Experts to Take Advice for Long Term Judgments. Ecken, P; Pibernik, R. In Management Science, 62(7), S. 2002–2021. 2016.
  • Maverick Buying: Eliminate, Participate, Leverage. Rothkopf, A; Pibernik, R. In International Journal of Production Economics, 179, S. 77–89. 2016.
  • Capacity planning for a maintenance service provider with advanced information. Kurz, Julian. In European Journal of Operational Research, 251(2). 2016.
  • Service differentiation in a single-period inventory model with numerous customer classes. Schulte, B; Pibernik, R. In OR Spectrum, 38(4), S. 921–948. 2016.
  • Customer-facing supply chain practices – the impact of demand and distribution management on supply chain success. Rexhausen, D; Pibernik, R; Kaiser, G. In Journal of Operations Management, 30(4), S. 269–281. 2012.
  • Reservation and Allocation Policies for Influenza Vaccines. Samii, A B; Pibernik, R; Yadav, P; Vereecke, A. In European Journal of Operations Research, 222(3), S. 495–507. 2012.
  • The Influence of Ethical Culture on Supplier Selection in the Context of Sustainable Sourcing. Goebel, P; Pibernik, R; Sichtmann, C; Reuter, C. In International Journal of Production Economics, 140(1), S. 7–17. 2012.
  • Paying for Convenience: Attractiveness and Market Potential of Time-Based Delivery Services. Goebel, P; Möller, S; Pibernik, R. In International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 42(6), S. 584–606. 2012.
  • Desirability bias in foresight: Consequences for decision quality based on Delphi results. Ecken, P; Gnatzy, T; von_der_Gracht, H. In Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 78(9), S. 1654–1670. 2011.
  • Secure collaborative Supply-Chain management. Zilli, A; Pibernik, R; Catrina, O; De_hoogh, S; Schoenmakers, B; Cimato, S; Damiani, E. In Computer, 44(9), S. 38–43. 2011.
  • Secure collaborative supply chain planning and inverse optimization - The JELS model. Pibernik, R; Zhang, Y; Kerschbaum, F; Schröpfer, A. In European Journal of Operational Research, 208(1), S. 75–85. 2011.
  • The manufacturer’s incentive to reduce lead times. Kraiselburd, S; Pibernik, R; Raman, A. In Production and Operations Management, 20(5), S. 639–653. 2011.
  • An inventory reservation problem with nesting and fill rate based performance measures. Samii, A-B; Pibernik, R; Yadav, P. In International Journal of Production Economics, 133(1), S. 393–402. 2011.
  • Inventory reservation and real-time order promising in a make-to-stock system. Pibernik, R; Yadav, P. In OR Spectrum, 31(1), S. 281–307. 2009.
  • The impact of performance measurement on the recognition of purchasing and supply management’s value contribution: A principal-agent based case study analysis. Groetsch, V; Henke, M; Pibernik, R. In International Journal of Production Economics - submitted. 2009.
  • Dynamic capacity reservation and due date quoting in a make-to-order system. Pibernik, R; Yadav, P. In Naval Research Logistics, 55(7), S. 593–611. 2009.
  • Optimizations for risk-aware secure supply chain master planning. Schröpfer, A; Kerschbaum, F; Schütz, C; Pibernik, R. In Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15(15), S. 3019–3037. 2009.
  • Verhandlungsbasiertes Master Planning in Supply Chains. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In DBW Die Betriebswirtschaft, 68(1), S. 85–111. 2008.
  • An approach to inter domain master planning in supply chains. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In International Journal of Production Economics, 108(1), S. 200–212. 2007.
  • Strategic deployment of specialized testing and remanufacturing in a global high-tech supply chain. Goentzel, J; Manzione, L T; Pibernik, R; Pruett, J; Thiessen, B. In International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 11(1), S. 28–52. 2007.
  • Centralised and decentralised supply chain planning. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 2(1), S. 6–27. 2006.
  • Managing stock-outs effectively with order fulfillment systems. Pibernik, R. In Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(6), S. 721–736. 2006.
  • Advanced available-to-promise: Classification, selected methods and requirements for operations and inventory management. Pibernik, R. In International Journal of Production Economics, 93(94), S. 239–252. 2005.
  • Fallstudie: Zentrales und dezentrales Supply Chain Planning am Beispiel einer Supply Chain der Pharma-Industrie. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 1, S. 59–64. 2004.
  • Zentrales und dezentrales Supply Chain Planning. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 1, S. 25–31. 2004.
  • Modellgestützte Flexibilitätsplanung in Supply Chains: Einsatz einer Software-Applikation in einem Biotechnologie-Unternehmen. Pibernik, R. In Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 73(11), S. 1141–1165. 2003.
  • Fallstudie: Supply Chain Configuration am Beispiel eines Biotechnologie-Unternehmens. Pibernik, R. In Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 1, S. 54–60. 2003.
  • Einsatz dynamischer Planungsmodelle zur Unterstützung des strategischen Supply Chain Management. Pibernik, R. In Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 1, S. 20–26. 2003.
  • Ausgewählte Methoden und Verfahren zur Unterstützung des Advanced Available to Promise. Pibernik, R. In Zeitschrift für Planung, 13, S. 345–372. 2002.
  • Flexibilitätsplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Pibernik, R. In Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 71(8), S. 893–913. 2001.
Book[ to top ]
  • Quantitative Methoden in Logistik und Supply Chain Management. Jacquemin, M; Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. Hamburg, 2006.
  • Flexibilitätsplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Pibernik, R. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2001.
Inbook[ to top ]
  • Leistungsprogrammplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken – Fundierung, Implikationen, Grenzen. Isermann, H; Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, S. 305–324. Berlin, 2006.
  • Master planning in supply chains. Pibernik, R; Sucky, E. In Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme in SCM und Logistik. Heidelberg, 2005.
  • Dynamische Supply Chain Configuration mit Advanced Planning Systemen. Pibernik, R. In Quantitative Methoden in ERP und APS. Paderborn. 2004.
  • A multi-product batch-available-to-promise model for make-to-stock manufacturing. Pibernik, R. In Operations Research Proceedings. Springer, Berlin, 2003.
Inproceedings[ to top ]
  • Data-Driven Capacity Management with Machine Learning: A Novel Approach and a Case-Study for a Public Service Office. Taigel, Fabian; Meller, Jan; Rothkopf, Alexander. In INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, S. 105–115. Springer, 2018.
  • Strategic deployment of specialized testing and remanufacturing in a global network of contract manufacturers. Goentzel, J; Manzione, L T; Pibernik, R; Pruett, J; Thiessen, B. In Proceedings of EurOMA, International Conference on Global Operations and Competitiveness. Budapest, 2005.
  • Managing stock-outs effectively with order fulfillment systems. Pibernik, R. In Proceedings of SCMIS 2005 – 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems. 2005.
  • Process Management in Supply Chains – A New Petri-Net Approach. von_Mevius, M; Pibernik, R. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 37), Bd. 37. 2004.
  • Advanced available to promise: Herausforderungen für das Produktions- und Logistikmanagement. Pibernik, R. In Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik. Magdeburg, 2002.
  • Fundamentals of flexibility planning in supply chain networks. Pibernik, R. In European Logistics Association. Brussels, 1999.
  • Simulationsgestützte Besatzungseinsatzplanung einer Luftverkehrsgesellschaft. Kaupp, M; Pauly, M; Pibernik, R. In Simulation im Luftverkehr, M. Kaupp (Hrsg.), S. 111–211. Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1996.
Unpublished[ to top ]
  • A Data-Driven Inventory Policy for Multi-Period, Multi-Product Inventory Planning Problems. Lauton, Felix. 2019.
  • Drug Procurement with Long Term Considerations: Volume Splits and Volume Guarantees. Rothkopf, A; Spiliotopoulou, E. 2016.
  • The Value of Entrant Manufacturers: A Study of Competition and Risk for Donor-Funded Procurement of Essential Medicines. Lauton, F; Rothkopf, A; Pibernik, R. 2016.
  • Sourcing uncertain product quality: Competition, learning, and volume postponement. Lauton, F; Rothkopf, A. 2016.
  • Wishful Updating: The Role of Optimism When Experts Update Their Beliefs about the Future. Ecken, P; Pibernik, R. 2016.
  • Flexible Capacity Management with Future Information. Kurz, J; Pibernik, R. 2016.
  • Queueing with Limited Future Information. Kurz, J; Pibernik, R. 2016.