Data-driven Supply Chain and Operations Management – our team at leading international workshops and conferences
06.05.2022Our work on data-driven supply chain and operations management receives international recognition.
In December, a large part of our team was invited to take part in the TRIPODS+X workshop on Machine Learning & Supply Chain Management at Lehigh University in the US. The workshop was hosted by Professors Larry Snyder and Jan van Mieghem – two of the most renowned researchers in the field - and funded by the US National Science Foundation. Richard Pibernik was invited as one of the workshop speakers, and researchers of our team received grants from the National Science Foundation to present their work. “The TRIPODS+X workshop on Machine Learning & Supply Chain Management featured speakers from academia and industry whose research and practice makes innovative use of machine learning (ML) for making decisions in supply chains.”
Here is the talk of Richard Pibernik (it covers research conducted by a number of researchers at our chair):
Just recently, the work of Simone Butter, Andreas Philippi, Niko Stein and Richard Pibernik was featured at the Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). This conference is one of the leading machine learning conferences worldwide. The team presented a paper on a “META ANALYSIS OF DATA-DRIVEN NEWSVENDOR APPROACHES”, provided a poster and a short presentation – see
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