Introduction to computer-aided tax consulting with DATEV (March 2023)
11/28/2022In cooperation with DATEV eG, the Chair of Business Administration and Taxation at the University of Würzburg offers students the opportunity to gain initial practical experience in an accounting system by means of a realistic case study with the four-day course "Introduction to EDV-supported Tax Consulting with DATEV".
In cooperation with DATEV eG, the Chair of Business Administration and Taxation at the University of Würzburg offers students the opportunity to gain initial practical experience in an accounting system by means of a realistic case study with the four-day course "Introduction to EDV-supported Tax Consulting with DATEV".
This course is generally open to Bachelor students of all semesters. The first part of the course covers an introduction to accounting, the preparation of annual financial statements, and the preparation and interpretation of controlling reports. The contents taught in the course "External Corporate Accounting" are a prerequisite. Since in a second part income tax returns are additionally prepared and basic knowledge of tax law is assumed, prior attendance of the courses "Tax Law and Tax Effect" and/or "Income Taxation" is recommended.
In connection with the course, the "DATEV Driver's License" is offered again this semester - on a voluntary basis. This is a training course consisting of several modules (classroom sessions and (online) self-study) to impart theoretical industry and practical software knowledge. The driver's license concludes with a nationally standardized online examination provided by DATEV. This driver's license is already recognized and appreciated in numerous tax consulting firms. Additional information can also be found at
The course will take place after the exam period from March 13 to 16, 2023 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The classroom sessions scheduled for the DATEV driver's license are included as part of the course. On Monday, March 20, 2023, the final (online) exam will take place, with the passing of which you will acquire 3 ungraded ECTS points. If the requirements of the DATEV driver's license are also met in this exam, you will receive the confirmation of passing the DATEV driver's license, which is recognized in practice.
The number of participants in the course is limited. If you are interested in participating, you can apply by email no later than December 31, 2022. To do so, please send a current transcript of grades and a certificate of registered exams to Bastian Antretter.