Deutsch Intern
Chair of Business Management and Business Taxation

Research Assistants

André Machwart, MSc

Research Assistant

University of Würzburg
Chair of Business Management and Business Taxation
Sanderring 2 - Room 302 (Access via Room 301)
D-97070 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931 / 31-84048
Fax: +49 931 31- 87262
Mail: andre.machwart (see the note)

Consultation hour: by appointment

Josef Wunderlich, MSc

Research Assistant

University of Würzburg
Chair of Business Management and Business Taxation
Sanderring 2 - Room 304 (Access via Room 301)
D-97070 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931 / 31-83570
Fax: +49 931 31- 87262
Mail: josef.wunderlich (see the note)

Consultation hour: by appointment

Sophie Bakowies, MSc

Research Assistant

University of Würzburg
Chair of Business Management and Business Taxation
Sanderring 2 - Room 304 (Access via Room 301)
D-97070 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931 / 31-80775
Fax: +49 931 / 31-87262
Mail: sophie.bakowies (see the note)

Consultation hour: by appointment

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