Prof. Dr. Michael Pflüger

Prof. Dr. Michael Pflüger
Universität Würzburg Chair of International Economics
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg
Building: Neue Universität
Room: 487
Phone: +49 931 31-83673
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30pm
(By appointment during the semester break)
Working Papers and Work in Progress
- Cities, Aggregate Welfare, and Growth (with Katja Gehr), June 2024
- Old version: IZA-Discussion Paper 16127, May 2023
- Green Preferences and Sorting into Cities (with Takatoshi Tabuchi), in progress
- Emission Taxes in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium (with Rainald Borck), in progress
Selected Recent Publications
- On the Road (Again): Commuting and Local Employment Elasticities in Germany (with Oliver Krebs), Regional Science and Urban Economics 99, 103874 (2023)
- City Size, Pollution and Emission Policies, Journal of Urban Economics 126, 103991 (2021)
- Regionale Disparitäten und Reginalpolitik. Treiber der Veränderung, Handlungsbedarf und Handlungsoptionen, Wirtschaftsdienst Sonderheft 99:13; 10-18 (2019)
- Green Cities? Urbanization, Trade and the Environment (with Rainald Borck), Journal of Regional Science 59:4, 743-766 (2019)
- Comparative Advantage, Agglomeration Economies and Trade Costs (with Takatoshi Tabuchi), Journal of Urban Economics 109, 1-13 (2019)
- Time is On My Side: Relational Contracts and Aggregate Welfare (with Bohdan Kukharskyy), Oxford Economic Papers, 71:3, 709-732 (2019)
- How Deep Is Your Love?A Quantitative Spatial Analysis of the Transatlantic Trade Partnership (with Oliver Krebs), Review of International Econmics 26:1, 171-222 (2018)
- Fokus TTIP: EU und USA als gleichberechtigte Handelspartner? In: G. Felbermayr, D. Göler, C. Herrmann, A. Kalina (eds.), Multilateralismus und Regionalismus in der EU-Handelspolitik, Nomos Baden-Baden, 271-300 (2017)
- Quo Vadis Welthandel? (with Oliver Krebs), Beitrag zum Wirtschaftsdienst Zeitgespräch: Die Zukunft des Welthandels, Wirtschaftsdienst 5/2015, 311-315 (2015)