Deutsch Intern
Chair of Industrial Economics

Research Associates

Please append manually to the e-mail addresses. Thank you very much!

Firat Inceoglu

Room 493

Phone: 0931 / 31-89091

E-Mail: firat.inceoglu

Office Hours: Thursday 14:00-16:00 (on appointment)

CV (English)

Christian Eschenweck

Room 494

Phone: +49 (0)931 31 87786

E-mail: christian.eschenweck

Office Hours

Seminars and Theses: Mondays, 13:30 - 15:00 on appointment

Julia Reimer

Room 494

Phone: +49 (0)931 31 87751

E-mail: julia.reimer

Office Hours

Seminars and Theses: Mondays, 16:00 - 17:30 on appointment

Women@WiWi: Thursdays, 13:30 - 14:30 on appointment