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Faculty of Business Management and Economics

Business Mathematics (B.Sc.)

Structure of the bachelor's programme Business Mathematics at the University of Würzburg


  • In the first three semesters with an essentially fixed curriculum, you will become familiar with the basics of mathematics, computer science and economics. In the second part of the program (semesters four to six), you can choose lectures and seminars according to your preferences.
  • During this period you will also complete your obligatory internship of at least 6 weeks in industry, business or administration, which serves the practical teaching of relevant problem areas and the practice in the implementation of the knowledge acquired in the specialized studies in practice.
  • Towards the end of your studies, you will complete your written Bachelor's thesis under the supervision of a lecturer.

Fundamentals and Orientation Examination

After the second semester, the successful completion of Analysis 1 or 2 or Linear Algebra 1 or 2, as well as 10 ECTS (i.e. two courses) of the compulsory area of Economics will count as a Fundamentals and Orientation Exam. If this cannot be fulfilled (and only then), then after the third semester the successful completion of at least one of the modules Total Overview of Analysis or Total Overview of Linear Algebra (= one of the oral exams) must be proven, as well as 15 ECTS (i.e. three courses) of the compulsory area of Economics. If this cannot be achieved either, the bachelor's degree program is considered to have been definitively failed.


If you have acquired 180 ECTS points within the framework of the examination regulations, you will receive the academic degree of Bachelor of Science.

Career prospects

The chances of business mathematics graduates on the job market are generally considered to be good. According to the Federal Employment Agency, the professional situation has improved greatly in recent years. Business mathematics has found tasks in almost all branches of the economy.

Business mathematicians can be found in planning departments in industry as well as in the insurance and credit industries, information technology or in universities, research institutes, and ministries. In self-employment, they also work as management consultants or appraisers.

Business mathematicians are often employed in interdisciplinary teams. In professional practice, they are thus often employees in a group consisting predominantly of non-mathematicians. They must therefore be able to transfer a concretely given task from the technical language of the application area into the language of mathematics, to solve it there and then to translate the result back into the technical language of the respective application area.

Typical tasks are

  • Analysis of scientific, economic or organizational problems,
  • economic efficiency calculations, the optimization of operational processes,
  • Formation of suitable mathematical models,
  • development of new as well as adaptation and application of known mathematical solution methods,
  • use of computers to solve the problems,
  • analysis of financial market instruments,
  • business consulting,
  • analysis of markets (e.g. labor market, goods markets).

How to get your study place

Admission requirement is a university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, FOS/BOS 13). 
(Information on the regulations that apply to Germans with foreign educational certificates or prospective students with foreign citizenship and a foreign university entrance qualification can be found on the linked pages of the Registrar's Office or the International Office. Attention: Application deadline on July 15!)

The degree program is admission-free without NC, i.e. from ~ 20 July you can easily enroll online for the start of the winter semester (= matriculate).
If you have any questions about enrolment, the staff at the Student Administration Office will be happy to help you.

Legal framework of your studies

As a rule, the subject-specific regulations (FSB) that were in force when you started your studies apply to you. The respective subject description (SFB) in the appendix contains all the modules that you can take during the course of your studies.

General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO)
Subject-specific provisions for the ASPO with the degree BACHELOR (FSB) Supplementary provisions for the pool of general key qualifications (ASQ pool)

The module handbook relevant to you is based on the study and examination regulations applicable to you (see FSB and SFB).

Module descriptions and module handbooks


The module examinations in the compulsory subjects of the Faculty of Business Management and Economics take place twice a year for each course. You have the possibility to take the exam at the end of the semester in which you attended the course or at the beginning of the following semester.
The module examinations for elective subjects and key qualifications can usually be taken at the end of each semester.

Semester abroad at the University of Würzburg


Would you like to study on the beach?

Information on the stay abroad

FAQ's about the study program

The Business Mathematics program teaches both business and computer science-specific content, but the focus of the program is on deepening knowledge in mathematics and stochastics.

Take the interest test at the University of Würzburg and find out!

The subject is open admission, i.e. anyone can enroll in the program regardless of their Abitur grade. In the first two semesters, students must show whether they are up to the demanding course of study. Those who are sure - "Business, that's my thing." - their performance at school will not stand in their way.

If you want to get involved besides your studies, the student organizations such as the student initiative ADF WiWi e.V., the student council, AISEC or the student stock exchange forum as well as working as a student assistant or tutor offer you the opportunity to actively participate in a lively campus.

The successful completion of the Bachelor's programme in Business Mathematics qualifies you in particular for the following Master's programmes at the University of Würzburg: 

  • Business Mathematics

For individual questions such as credit transfer, change of subject, double degree program and post-graduate studies, please contact the Student Office first to clarify formalities and then come back to our Student Advisory Service.


Not the right one for you? Take a look at our other bachelor's degree programs!

More Information

Jana Michel
Bachelor coordinator and subject advisor

Consultation hours: Tuesday, 9-11 a.m.
Building: New University / Room: 291
Phone: 0931 31-89967


[Translate to Englisch:] Kontakt
Dr. habil. Anton Klimovsky
Subject advisorfor the mathematics/computer science part

Consultation hours: by appointment
Building: Mathematics West, Room 03.012
Phone: 0931 31-84643

[Translate to Englisch:] Social Media

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